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Idaho needs your help to support struggling families

You can make an immediate difference in the lives of Idahoans by making sure our most vulnerable children are safe, writes guest columnist Cameron Gilliland. (Courtesy of Johner Images)
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You can make an immediate difference in the lives of Idahoans by making sure our most vulnerable children are safe, writes guest columnist Cameron Gilliland. (Courtesy of Johner Images)

You can make an immediate difference in the lives of Idahoans by making sure our most vulnerable children are safe, writes guest columnist Cameron Gilliland.

The work of our child welfare staff is often unseen. They work with families experiencing some of the most difficult times of their lives, and the work they do is not often visible to others because child welfare cases are confidential to protect the privacy of the families involved.

Staff across the board in the program, whether it’s a front desk receptionist, a child welfare social worker, a client service technician, a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, or the many other staff who work in the program, all have a real direct impact on children and families in our communities on a daily basis.

They spend their days going to homes and schools to make sure children are safe.

They make our offices welcoming environments where children in foster care can visit with their families.

They help parents get needed services.

They support foster families in getting licensed and after they’re licensed.

They drive children to counseling appointments.

They prepare records so children can have their adoptions finalized.

They complete thousands of big and little tasks each day, all to keep children safe and families strong. They come to work each day dedicated to that mission, as difficult as it can be.

Right now, they need your help with achieving that mission. Like many workplaces, our Child Welfare program is challenged with a high number of open positions. If you are interested in working with a motivated, engaged team doing meaningful work to support vulnerable children and families in Idaho, see our job openings at

You can make an immediate difference in the lives of Idahoans.

The Idaho Capital Sun is a nonprofit news organization delivering accountability reporting on state government, politics and policy in the Gem state.