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AI can predict your movies, your grocery list … and extinct species

New research shows that AI can analyze species’ traits to predict predator-prey interactions so that scientists can predict extinctions before they happen. According to the report, solid blue arrows indicate prey that were predicted by AI and observed in real life, dashed blue arrows show prey that were predicted but not observed (potentially indicating interactions that occur but have not yet been recorded), and red lines indicate species that were not predicted or observed as prey.
John Llewelyn
New research shows that AI can analyze species’ traits to predict predator-prey interactions so that scientists can predict extinctions before they happen. According to the report, solid blue arrows indicate prey that were predicted by AI and observed in real life, dashed blue arrows show prey that were predicted but not observed (potentially indicating interactions that occur but have not yet been recorded), and red lines indicate species that were not predicted or observed as prey.

Artificial intelligence is being used to predict our interests. Now, researchers are using the tech to predict which species interact to better understand how extinction works.

Artificial intelligence is being used to predict our interests. Now, researchers are using the tech to predict which species interact to better understand how extinction works.

Copyright 2023 KUNC

Emma VandenEinde