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ISU Football Legend Wally Buono joins the Voice of the Bengals, Scott Gross

Scott Gross sits down with former Idaho State Football player Wally Buono. Wally played for Idaho State in the early 70's and was on the field for the first game ever played in Holt Arena! He went to the Canadian Football League where he became the winningest coach in CFL history.

This interview was recorded at the ISU Alumni Center on November 3, 2023 and aired as the ISU Football halftime feature November 4 on KISU-FM.
We appreciate Art Edgson for his assistance with this interview.

I began my broadcasting career at KWIK / KPKY radio in Pocatello in 1986 working for my mentor, former Voice of the Bengals, Jim Fox. I was the fill-in morning sports host producing several segments daily, covering local and national sports scores and highlights.