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CAPC Releases 2024 Serious Illness Scorecard and Ranks Idaho 1.5/5 Stars

Center for Advance Palliative Care

The Center for Advance Palliative Care, or CAPC, has released its 2024 Serious Illness Scorecard, which rates states’ ability to provide care to people living with serious illnesses on a scale of 1-5. Idaho, amongst 3 other states, has scored a 1.5/5.

The fact there are scores to provide indicates a serious variability in access to high quality palliative care across the country. Serious illness is a more common issue than some may think.

Idaho has ranked at a 1.5/5 stars, among 3 other states. CAPC experts explained the states’ ratings were impacted by factors such as insufficient communication about prognosis, poorly managed pain driving most of the emergency room visits in the country, and family caregivers’ mental and physical health being negatively impacted.

As our individual state report suggests, Idaho is missing key legislative bodies such as a State Hospice and Palliative Care Association.

CAPC CEO Brynn Bowman suggests regular screenings of symptoms to reduce stress, expert patient and clinician communication with a focus on shared decision making, adequate support for family caregivers, and for those with the most complex diagnosis: access to a specialty palliative care team.

I'm Hadley, a second year student in Communications in Multiplatform Journalism at ISU. I am the Editor-in-Chief of The Bengal Newspaper on campus, and love writing all kinds of local and student life stories. I'm also the host of The Bengal Podcast with my fellow journalists at The Bengal! Look out for new episodes of the podcast monthly!