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October is Archives Awareness Month

Idaho State University Special Collections and University Archives is housed within the Oboler Library on the Pocatello campus. It houses primary resources such as manuscript collections, university archives, historic photographs, maps and rare books about Pocatello, southeast Idaho and university history. Ellen M. Ryan is Head of the department and speaks to McKenzie Young about the importance of archives and about outreach events that are happening this month.

October 12, 2022 is Ask An Archivist Day and anyone with questions is invited to #AskAnArchivist @ObolerLibraries on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Also, "Ask An Archivist or Ask A Museum Curator" will follow the regular business meeting of the Bannock County Historical Society on October 18, at 7 PM, at the Bannock County History Museum (BCHM) in Upper Ross Park in Pocatello. This discussion will feature Ryan and BCHM Curator Lynn Murdock.

More about ISU Archives at and more about Bannock County Historical Museum at

McKenzie began working at the station in 2003 while moseying her way through her undergraduate degree in Communication and Rhetorical studies [2012]. Her outgoing personality and involvement in various activities makes for a perfect fit to promote campus and community organizations and events*.