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Christmas Donations at College Market

For the past two years, College Market, the cafe and restaurant just off the

ISU campus, has adopted a family to help with Christmas gifts as well as fulfilled Angel

Tags for The Salvation Army. This year is no different.

Just inside the store, you’ll find a Christmas tree full of tags with gifts to purchase for

the chosen Pocatello family. This season’s family is a single dad with three young

children. The hope is to fulfill all the tags on the tree.

Hanging on the window are the Angel Tags for the Salvation Army. Each tag features a

Pocatello child’s sizes in clothing, needs for Christmas, and wants from their wish lists.

Kindhearted locals can take a tag from the window or tree and fulfill the gifts described

on it.

Gifts for the family must be brought to College Market before December 14 th , and Angel

Tag Fulfillments before December 18 th .

If you want to help but you don’t have the time to get a gift for a child in need, they are

also accepting cash donations which will be used to fulfill the remaining items the family

has asked for.

With help from College Markets’ Kate Baker and Abby Keifner (KEEF- NER), we all

have the opportunity to help local families bring joy to their children during the


I'm Hadley, a second year student in Communications in Multiplatform Journalism at ISU. I am the Editor-in-Chief of The Bengal Newspaper on campus, and love writing all kinds of local and student life stories. I'm also the host of The Bengal Podcast with my fellow journalists at The Bengal! Look out for new episodes of the podcast monthly!