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Access ISU Athletics Stream-only Broadcasts HERE - Next broadcast: ISU MBB February 13 at 7:00 pm

Holt Arena Renamed to ICCU Dome

After the recent renovation of Holt Arena in 2023, the dome is now undergoing another major change, as it is now called the ICCU Dome. Idaho State University’s Athletic Director Pauline Thiros gives us all the details.

As many have heard in recent weeks, the legendary Holt Arena has been renamed to the ICCU Dome. In my time with ISU's Athletic Director Pauline Thiros, it was obvious she and the entire athletic administration put their best foot forward for the students, and they are always the main focus of each decision. This interview provides the community with everything they need to know about the process of renaming a large venue, the project timeline, and how the university will continue to honor Dubby Holt.

I'm Hadley, a second year student in Communications in Multiplatform Journalism at ISU. I am the Editor-in-Chief of The Bengal Newspaper on campus, and love writing all kinds of local and student life stories. I'm also the host of The Bengal Podcast with my fellow journalists at The Bengal! Look out for new episodes of the podcast monthly!