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Governor Little Announces $10 Million Towards Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer Projects

Madison Hardy

Yesterday in Rigby, Governor Brad Little joined groundwater and surface water users to further his support for Idaho farmers by committing $10 million dollars towards Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer projects.

The $10 million from yesterday is an addition to the $30 million the governor and

legislature have invested in recharge in the ESPA. Cost shifts for a project elsewhere in

Idaho freed up this funding.

Governor Little said, “The added funds we announced today will get the water levels in

the aquifer headed in the right direction. It is part of an overall strategy to maintain our

water destiny here in Idaho.”

Since 2019, Little worked with Idaho legislators to put half a billion dollars towards water

quantity investments.

Eastern Idaho farmers continue to be impressed by the governor’s commitment to their

cause. Fremont County farmer and Idaho Water Resource Board Chairman Jeff

Raybould said, “Groundwater users in eastern Idaho will greatly benefit from more

resources for additional projects. I am confident this funding will make a positive impact

on the eastern snake plain aquifer.

Governor Little said, “My top priority has always been and will continue to be

maintaining a strong ag economy in eastern Idaho while preserving water for future


I'm Hadley, a second year student in Communications in Multiplatform Journalism at ISU. I am the Editor-in-Chief of The Bengal Newspaper on campus, and love writing all kinds of local and student life stories. I'm also the host of The Bengal Podcast with my fellow journalists at The Bengal! Look out for new episodes of the podcast monthly!