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Portneuf Valley Bruisers Gear Up for Roller Derby Double Header on September 28th

Portneuf Valley Bruisers Facebook

Many people have never heard of roller derby, including me. ISU's Executive Director of Marketing and Communications Lee Ann Waldron doubles as the spokesperson and team member of the Portneuf Valley Bruisers Roller Derby team. I sat down to get all the details on the team, how to get involved, and what this double header event at ISU is all about.

In this interview, Waldron discusses the game of roller derby, what the schedule for the team looks like, and how to get involved if you're interested in skating. The double header games on the 28th are the Bruisers' first home games in almost a year. Tickets are available online prior to the event at For more information and volunteer sign ups, please visit their website.

I'm Hadley, a second year student in Communications in Multiplatform Journalism at ISU. I am the Editor-in-Chief of The Bengal Newspaper on campus, and love writing all kinds of local and student life stories. I'm also the host of The Bengal Podcast with my fellow journalists at The Bengal! Look out for new episodes of the podcast monthly!