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Access ISU Athletics Stream-only Broadcasts HERE - Next broadcast: ISU MBB February 13 at 7:00 pm

Debbie Ronneburg

Interim Dean of the College of Technology

Debbie Ronneburg was named Interim Dean of the College of Technology in January 2021 and will serve in this capacity until a national search is completed in mid-2023. In total, Debbie has worked at Idaho State University for more than 25 years, with a majority of her career in student services. She was named associate dean of the College of Technology in 2013, serving as Interim Associate Dean for one year prior to that. Before working in the dean’s office, she served as the director of Student Services in the College of Technology for 12 years and worked in Enrollment Planning for four years.

Not only has she worked at ISU for many years, but she is an alumnus of Idaho State University, as well. Debbie holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, a Master of Public Administration degree, and is working to complete her Doctor of Educational Leadership in Higher Education Administration this year. Additionally, her husband and four children have all finished programs at the College, including Diesel Technology, Law Enforcement, Computer Aided Design Drafting Technology, Cosmetology and Early Childhood Care and Education.

Debbie’s vision is to bring her 25+ years of experience in higher education and her leadership style to the college to continue a reputation for quality in career and technical education. Her experiences over the years as a student and professional staff member have given her a unique advantage for her role as interim dean.

  • The July episode of Tech Tuesday features Debbie Ronnieburg with Cherrise Brown and Deb Thompson and a discussion about the ISU College of Technology’s START program. START provides social and academic support as students manage barriers while they pursue sustainable career and life goals.
  • In this episode, Tech Tuesday host Debbie Ronneburg interviews CoT students Corey Lewis and Ellen Jenkins about their achievements.
  • Special guests Jennie Brumfield and Raelyn Price met with Interim Dean Debbie Ronneburg to discuss their backgrounds as well as the programs they are associated with within the College of Technology.
  • Special Guest David Baumert met with the crew from KISU and with Interim Dean Debbie Ronneburg for this first episode of Tech Tuesday. Baumert is a graduate from the Laser/Electro-Optics program (Class of 1987) at the College of Technology, which has since expanded and become the Robotics & Communications Systems Engineering program. A long-time friend of ISU College of Technology and KISU, Baumert discusses his experience at ISU, his interests with Laser Optics and Robotics, and how he applied these experiences during his career at Microsoft. Baumert also discusses how his love of lasers and robotics led to his most recent ventures in music production and rock and roll.
  • Special guest, Dr. Clay Long, Administrator for the Idaho Division of Career and Technical Education met with Interim Dean Debbie Ronneburg to discuss the importance of CTE, or Career and Technical Education, in Idaho. With February as National CTE Month, Dr. Long provides the perfect lens for increasing awareness of exciting, in-demand and high paying careers in technology. Dr. Long highlights what Idaho CTE programs offer, the value of CTE to prospective students and employers, and opportunities for individuals of all ages to learn and grow through these specialized educational and career pathways.