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Bengal Health Chat: Future of Nursing

John Roark/Idaho State University

Dr. Dannielle Pierotti has worked in many areas of the country building her nursing and professional experience. Dr. Peirotti discusses the importance of healthcare access, nursing representation, changes in the nursing profession, nurse advocacy, and nursing challenges. This future of nursing discussion includes nursing education accessibility, resource needs, collaboration, and nursing educational technological advancements.

ISU College of Nursing Website:

Guests: Dr. Danielle Pierotti, Ph.D., R.N., CENP

Director of Undergraduate Studies, School of Nursing and Clinical Associate Professor

Teresa Conner, dean for the College of Health at Idaho State University oversees College of Health administration and operations through facilitating strategic and facilities planning. Conner also supports a robust research profile, promotes faculty development in teaching, scholarship, and service, as well as builds and maintains collaborative relationships within the COH, community organizations, business and industry, civic and government, and educational systems.