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Idaho Found Welcomes Dr. David Pennock

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Dr. David Pennock serves as the Executive Director of the Idaho Falls Zoo at Tautphaus Park. Our conversation today discusses Pennock's journey from academia to the Museum of Idaho to the Idaho Falls Zoo. David shares with us how he is using his past experiences to design an interactive classroom, and his plans to introduce the work being done at the Idaho Falls Zoo to a wider audience both regionally and internationally. In this conversation, we take a deep dive as Dr. Pennock explores his optimism for our future, conservation, and our ability to work together for the betterment of our world.

Pennock has a Ph.D. in systematics and ecology from the University of Kansas, as well as master’s and bachelor’s degrees in zoology from Brigham Young University. He is a published researcher and has taught various graduate and undergraduate courses at the University of Kansas, University of Arkansas and Fort Hays State University. He and his wife, Gisele, reside in East Idaho.

Mark S. Young is a native of Idaho, a graduate of Idaho State University, a community organizer, and a financial professional. For over 30 years, Mark has supported economic development on both local and state levels. Recently he completed his term as a member of the Idaho Department of Commerce Economic Advisory Council. He is currently a board member/past president of The City Club of Idaho Falls and a past president of the Idaho Falls Rotary and Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce. Mark played a vital role in the development of the Idaho State University and University of Idaho Higher Education Center (University Place) in Idaho Falls. Additionally, Mark served for six years as a lay member of the Idaho State Bar Association’s Professional Conduct Board. He has two sons, both veterans who served in Iraq: Steven is a general contractor in Montana, and Adam is involved in security at the Idaho National Laboratory.