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Idaho Found Welcomes Jim Beck

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This week on Idaho Found, we host Jim Beck, President of the Actors’ Repertory Theatre of Idaho (ARTI), a Viet Nam veteran and a retired project manager at the Idaho National Laboratory.

Jim Beck, President of the Actors’ Repertory Theatre of Idaho (ARTI), is a Viet Nam veteran and a retired project manager at the Idaho National Laboratory. Prior to his employment at the INL, Jim worked in radio broadcasting (Idaho State University Sports and KSEI - 10 years), mining machinery manufacturing (Bucyrus-Erie - 9 years), and the retail sector (Osco/Buttrey - 4 years). Jim’s wife, Rebecca, is the speech and drama teacher at Skyline High School. Both have served on the ARTI Board of Directors for over 20 years.

Mark S. Young is a native of Idaho, a graduate of Idaho State University, a community organizer, and a financial professional. For over 30 years, Mark has supported economic development on both local and state levels. Recently he completed his term as a member of the Idaho Department of Commerce Economic Advisory Council. He is currently a board member/past president of The City Club of Idaho Falls and a past president of the Idaho Falls Rotary and Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce. Mark played a vital role in the development of the Idaho State University and University of Idaho Higher Education Center (University Place) in Idaho Falls. Additionally, Mark served for six years as a lay member of the Idaho State Bar Association’s Professional Conduct Board. He has two sons, both veterans who served in Iraq: Steven is a general contractor in Montana, and Adam is involved in security at the Idaho National Laboratory.