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Idaho State University Coaches Show - September 11, 2024

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On this week's Coaches Show, we have Head Football Coach Cody Hawkins talking about Bengal Football. Then, Head Volleyball Coach Sean Carter comes on to discuss the Bengals' win streak and play these past two tournaments!

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Tune in for all ISU Football broadcasts, including this Saturday at 4:00 pm, on KISU-FM and at

ISU Coaches Shows are recorded each Wednesday at 6:00 pm at the Pocatello Press Box. Bengal fans are encouraged to join us!

Coaches Show guests are announced each Monday on the ISU Athletics Facebook page

I began my broadcasting career at KWIK / KPKY radio in Pocatello in 1986 working for my mentor, former Voice of the Bengals, Jim Fox. I was the fill-in morning sports host producing several segments daily, covering local and national sports scores and highlights.