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ISU Research, Innovation, and Creativity Insights Discuss Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research

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More than 30,000 infections each year are untreatable with antibiotics. The only solution is limb amputation or major tissue removal. Sarah Hobdey, an ISU Research Assistant Professor of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Sciences and Boise Veterans Association (VA) Associate Research Scientist, Anyauba Nmaju, a PhD student in Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Sciences, and VP for Research and Economic Development, Marty Blair, discuss ISU-based research that seeks innovative therapies to address the problem.

Pocatello native and ISU Research Assistant Professor Sarah Hobdey, and ISU PhD student Anyauba Nmaju discuss research that aims to treat infections that almost always result in limb amputation, and often, death. They describe their collaborative research with the Idaho Veterans Research and Education Foundation in Boise, Idaho, and the benefits of bringing different science disciplines together to solve the unsolvable. Hobdey and Nmaju are joined by ISU VP for Research and Economic Development, Marty Blair, as they talk about bacteria we often associate with sore throats, and how certain strains can destroy skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascia and muscle, often leading to multiple organ failure, toxic shock syndromes and death. It’s serious stuff. Their research is designed to develop an immunization strategy that can be delivered quickly in order to neutralize damaging toxins resulting from infection.


Learn more about Dr. Hobdey’s work from this Idaho IdEA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence website:

 Dr. Sarah Hobdey

· Grew up in Pocatello

· Attended Idaho State University - BS in Microbiology

· Played in ISUs women’s soccer team. Conference champs three years in a row

· PhD in Biochemistry and molecular biology from Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO Dissertation on viral genome polymerization.

· Postdoctoral Fellowship at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, CO. Studied enzymes that depolymerize cellulose for biofuels.

· recruited in 2015 to the VA medical center in Boise to become a Project Lead on Dr. Stevens’s COBRE grant on emerging and reemerging infectious diseases. Dr. Hobdey began studying new therapeutic treatments for severe bacterial infections, which is focus of her current research.

· Started as half-time Research Faculty at ISU in the Department Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Spring of 2022. The other half of her time remains as an Associate Research Scientist at the Boise VA Medical Center. This was first of many ISU-VA Faculty affiliations that has increased relations and opportunities between the two institutions.

· Published numerous manuscripts and book chapters and has secured over $1M in funding for her research. Including an award from ISU’s Office or Research!

· Current, lab personnel include, Assistant Research Scientist, Sumiko Gomi, Postdoctoral Scientist, Sabrina Faozia, Senior Lab Technician, Emily Price, Undergraduate student, Dylan Breuer, and ISU Department of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences PhD candidate, Anyauba Nmaju.

· Spends ‘free time’ van camping with husband Shane and dog Tino.

Anyauba Nmaju

Anyauba Nmaju is a third year PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences student at Idaho state University. He was born and raised in Southeastern Nigeria. He graduated with a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree (with distinctions) from the University of Ibadan. He graduated at the top of his class in 2017.

Prior to coming to ISU, he served as a clinical pharmacist at various Tertiary hospitals in Nigeria. He was involved in collaboration and research focused on infectious diseases, Antibiotic resistance, and anti- microbial treatment failures.

Currently he is an INBRE (IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence)funded Graduate research assistant in the infectious disease laboratory of Dr. Sarah Hobdey at ISU Boise VA which is focused on development of novel immunotherapies for Gram Positive bacteria (especially Group A Strep). He is also a member of several scientific associations including The Antibody society. His hobbies include reading, volleyball, watching movies, bowling and soccer as well as cooking.


Martin Blair joined Idaho State University in 2022 as the Vice President for Research and Economic Development. Dr. Blair began his career as a special education teacher. Then, spent two decades at the Utah State University Center for Excellence in Disabilities in a variety of research and training leadership roles. In 2013, he moved to Missoula, Montana where he spent nine years directing the University of Montana Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities. In these various roles, Dr. Blair has worked extensively across the U.S. to improve the quality of services, supports and policies for individuals with disabilities of all ages, and their families. <a href=""></a><br/>