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Solar Power on the Duck Valley Reservation Part 2

Greg Olson, the CEO of Blue Lighting based out of Boise, ID, joins Nathan Gregson to discuss the ongoing solar power project taking place on the Duck Valley Reservation.

They go over the mission statement for Blue Lightning, the vision of the future of Solar power on the Duck Valley Reservation, an estimate of the amount of homes with solar power on the Duck Valley Reservation, and how visiting the reservation can help with the power shortage on the reservation by giving their economy a little boost. Clean sources of energy such as solar power are key to a sustainable future. On the Idaho Nevada border the power of the sun could be harnessed to better the lives of people living on the Duck Valley Reservation. For more information go to the KISU website and click on the link for Sustainable Idaho.

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Nathan Gregson is one of 2 Sustainable Idaho hosts for 2023-2024. He is a current student at ISU in the college of Business with a minor in music and is the drummer for the ISU Jazz band. In his down time Nathan loves to spend time outside doing activities such as hiking and camping. In doing this radio show Nathan is able to express his love for nature and help the community take better care of it. His life goal is to run his own private Drum and Piano lessons in Denver, Colorado.