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Sustainable Idaho - Solving Climate Change and the Economy

After Covid-19, how can we get the economy back on track and fight climate change?  Citizens’ Climate Lobby  (CCL) proposes a solution, called Carbon Fee and Dividend, that is supported by over 3500 economists.  A climate bill based on this proposal is called the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (HR 763); it's now in the House of Representatives with 81 co-sponsors.  This bill goes even farther than the Carbon Fee and Dividend idea, it assists and protects our agricultural industry and military security.  Listen to this episode to hear how it works.   The Pocatello Chapter of CCL can be found on Facebook.

 Our host today is Linda Engle with members of Pocatello's chapter of Citizens' Climate Lobby, Paul Hancock, Dr. Creighton Hardin.