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Idaho Public Survey reveals growing concern about states economic future

Jimmy Emerson
Flickr Creative Commons

The number of Idahoans whofeel the state is on the wrong trackis growing. A majority of people feel the state is growing too fast and that property taxes are too high and an astonishing 43% of residents worry about paying their bills each month.

More than a third of people say the state’s economic condition will only get worse over the next two years. Those are just some of the results of the eighth annualIdaho Public Policy Survey from Boise State University.

Matthew May, Survey Research Director for the School of Public Service and Lantz McGinnis-Brown, Research Associate at the Idaho Policy Institute at Boise State joined Idaho Matters to help break down the results.

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As Senior Producer of our live daily talk show Idaho Matters, I’m able to indulge my love of storytelling and share all kinds of information (I was probably a Town Crier in a past life). My career has allowed me to learn something new everyday and to share that knowledge with all my friends on the radio.