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How Idaho artists are inspiring one another in a new exhibit

"Lift Off" by Wendy Blickenstaff.
Wendy Blickenstaff
"Lift Off" by Wendy Blickenstaff.

Have you ever wondered where artists get their ideas? What inspires a painter to put a picture on canvas? What inspires a songwriter to write words and a melody?

The Boise Open Studio Collective wanted to explore what inspires artists to make art so they asked songwriters to give a song to a visual artist, that artist then created a painting inspired by the song, then painters gave songwriters a painting to inspire them to write a new song.

The result is an interactive exhibit at JUMP on Thursday, Dec. 7 called “Art as Song, Song as Art."

Cindi Walton, the Boise Open Studios Collective events chair, joined Idaho Matters to talk more.

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As Senior Producer of our live daily talk show Idaho Matters, I’m able to indulge my love of storytelling and share all kinds of information (I was probably a Town Crier in a past life). My career has allowed me to learn something new everyday and to share that knowledge with all my friends on the radio.