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Local campaign brings awareness to the dangers of youth vaping

A girl uses an e-cigarette.
Gabby Jones
Bloomberg via Getty Images

For nearly a decade, the use of e-cigarettes has grown in popularity among one of America's most vulnerable demographics, it's youth.

And as a whole new generation becomes addicted to nicotine, people are looking for a way to help. Which is why Idaho Public Television has launched a new campaign geared towards prevention called "Be Smart, Don't Start."

Jennie Sue Weltner, the Executive Producer of the "Be Smart" campaign with Idaho Public Television, and Katie Chauvin, a tobacco prevention specialist, joined Idaho Matters to talk more about the health risks of vaping.

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Hi, my name is Hannah and I’m the assistant producer for the Idaho Matters show here at BSPR. If you have a suggestion for an Idaho Matters segment, please email