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Know Your Media
One Monday each month at 7:30 p.m.

This monthly, half-hour program examines the range of media literacy so listeners can become more informed and conscientious citizens. Topics include conversations about the economic, historical, legal, political, and technological aspects of media innovation and practices. Each episode features an interview with a respected guest in some area of the media world. We invite you to listen and consider how we might better navigate the complex systems of information and entertainment in which we are immersed. 
Check back each month, from September to May, for new episodes. 

About your host:

Dr. Zac Gershberg is an associate professor of journalism and media studies at Idaho State University. He teaches courses such as Media Literacy, Business & Political Reporting, Feature Writing, and Mass Media History, Law, and Ethics. His research focuses on the evolution of journalism, media technology, and political communication.

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