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ISU Women's Soccer

Women's Soccer 8/9/2023 5:34:00 PM Ryan Cheney, ISU Sports Information
Women's Soccer 8/9/2023 5:34:00 PM Ryan Cheney, ISU Sports Information

Bengals Back On the Pitch

POCATELLO, Idaho- The Idaho State soccer team wrapped up their first exhibition match on Wednesday afternoon at Salt Lake Community College.

Head Coach Dustin Downey shared his feelings on the team being back on the field for the first time this year, "Thought we had some really good performances all around today. Getting to see our newcomers starting to blend in with our returners within the confines of a real match against a foreign opponent was fun!

There were some really good spells of play from our offense, but some moments where we can be a little cleaner technically. Defensively is where I think we need to be more detailed. We will spend the next few days watching and analyzing our game film, and getting out on the training pitch to fine tune our defensive tactics.

If we can continue to develop our in-possession and out-of-possession moments, I believe we'll be a tough team to play against this season. There is still a long way to go, but after only 7 days of training, I think we are in a good place, and I look forward to our next training session and upcoming exhibition matches against Snow College and BYU."

Idaho State closes their exhibition play with a doubleheader on Saturday, traveling to Richfield, Utah to play Snow College for their match at 1 p.m. and following that match, up the road to Provo to play #13 BYU at 7 p.m.
