Find additional information about pledge gifts, tax incentives, and planned giving below.
Pledge Gifts
To claim your thank you gift please use the comment/feedback box, or contact Connie by email or phone for assistance.
(208) 282-5939
*Please note, thank you gifts may impact the value of your gift receipt and potential tax advantages.
Tax Advantages
Gifts to KISU-FM are processed by the ISU Foundation and may qualify for the Idaho Education Tax Credit.
Visit the Idaho State Tax Commission website for additional details.
Ongoing Annual or Monthly Gifts
KISU supporters can set up a recurring gift when completing their pledge today! Just choose choose to make your donation on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis.
Visit KISU's DONATION PAGE (to set up automatic monthly or annual gifts)
Employer Match
Many area employers match the donations of their employees.
Click here to see if your employer matches your gift
Planned Giving
Information about Planned Giving to KISU Public Radio
Charitable Bequests
Many of our friends are updating their estate plans. If you would like to support our cause with a charitable bequest, we can help. Please contact us for a copy of our free estate planning guide. We can provide you with our bequest language and estate planning attorney referral list. Please contact us for assistance with creating and updating your plans.
If you are interested in learning more about any of these ideas, please contact us.
Pledge thank-you gift questions
Connie Bajerski - (208) 282-5939 |
ISU Foundation for Gift Processing & Records Management
Sarah Murphy, (208) 282-3470 |

We carefully use your donations to ensure quality public radio programming and news are available in Eastern Idaho. When pledging, please take a moment to let us know what you most enjoy about KISU, or let us know what we can do to improve.
- For information on the Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program click HERE
- For information about donating used cars please visit the CARS Vehicle Donation Program or call 855-277-2346 (855-2PRADIO)
Donations by check can be mailed to:
PSUB | Room 101Campus Box 8014 | Pocatello, ID 83209
Supporters may also bring a donation to KISU-FM in person! Calling ahead of your visit helps ensure a staff member is available when you arrive. (208) 282-2688
KISU-FM is located on the first floor of the Pond Student Union Building in Room 101.