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ISU Impact: 2022 Summer Theater Program

Join College of Arts and Letters Dean, Kandi Turley-Ames, as she talks about the 2022 summer theater program with Meg Stover, the Promotions Director and Business Manager of the School of Performing Arts. Hear the perspective of ISU theater student, Harmoni Thompson, as she discusses her involvement as stage manager in the production.

Urine Town is scheduled to be performed at the Stephen’s Performing Arts Center June 10-18th. This fun, toe-tapping musical is great for the whole family. Visiting director Lysa Fox from Western Illinois University will direct the show. ISU faculty and students as well as community members will be involved in this production.

For more information about the summer theater, please visit or contact the Department of Theatre and Dance at (208) 282-3173.

For information about how you can contribute to the arts program, contact Meg Stover at, 208-282-6452.

Kandi Turley-Ames began her journey at Idaho State University by graduating from ISU with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology in 1990 and a Master of Science in Psychology in 1993. She completed her Ph.D. in Psychology at Washington State University in 1996. She is a graduate of the Higher Education Resource Service for women in higher education administration. Her academic area of expertise includes memory and cognition. She has published numerous papers with colleagues and students on how strategies impact memory and higher cognitive abilities.