Heidi Glenn
Dr. Joseph Varon of Houston's United Memorial Medical Center senses distrust for a vaccine among some hospital staff. "They all think it's meant to harm specific sectors of the population," he says.
Nurses are taking to social media, describing grim hospital scenes and imploring Americans to stay safe as hospitals reach capacity limits. "We're seeing the worst of the worst," says one nurse.
Roberta Schwartz, chief innovation officer at Houston Methodist Hospital, describes how the hospital is dealing with the current influx of COVID-19 cases.
Gabrielle Mayer graduated from medical school early to help out with coronavirus patients in New York City. Some of her patients have died, she says. But there have been small, profound moments.
Even though Vinton County, Ohio, hasn't had high infection rates of the coronavirus, social restrictions have made it harder to keep drug users and their children safe, says Trecia Kimes-Brown.
Men appear to be dying of the coronavirus at higher rates than women. Sarah Hawkes, a professor of public health at University College London, says gendered behavior may help explain why.
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates gives high marks for social distancing efforts but low marks for testing. He says he thinks large public gatherings may have to wait until there's a vaccine.
Campbell Brown, Facebook's head of news partnerships, describes the company's $100 million investment in local news agencies.