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Support Small Business Saturday & Artist Sunday

Saturday, November 25 is Small Business Saturday – a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities. The U.S. Small Business Administration acknowledges that this year, small businesses need support more than ever as they navigate, retool and pivot from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

McKenzie talks with local creator and small business owner, Lucas Bunzow , about an opportunity to shop small, support local and be social. Small Business Saturday was created to promote shoppers to support local businesses, and recently "Artists Sunday," was named to keep the momentum in supporting local businesses, artisans and crafters. Bunzow's 7th Annual Crafts and Drafts event features numerous local businesses in the loft at Portneuf Valley Brewery on the weekend after Thanksgiving.

McKenzie began working at the station in 2003 while moseying her way through her undergraduate degree in Communication and Rhetorical studies [2012]. Her outgoing personality and involvement in various activities makes for a perfect fit to promote campus and community organizations and events*.