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Ricky Colapietro

KISU Host of Roar Report

Ricky Colapietro was born and raised in Alaska, coming to ISU in 2019 to begin his undergraduate degrees in Business Finance, Economics, and Management. Ricky is involved with the Honors program, as well as Chi Alpha, acting as a small group leader as well as the club treasurer. He has been working at his local radio station KVAK for a little over 4 years, being involved in many different functions at the studio, one of the most notable being a co-host to the weekly live radio show “Justin and Ricky’s Random Radio Show.” It airs locally in his hometown Valdez, Alaska live 3-4 pm every Thursday and Idaho listeners can listen to 5-6 pm MST on either the KVAK Radio app which can be found on the Google Play or Apple App store or the streaming option at The show features random facts, jokes, a holiday countdown, local news, and other shenanigans. Outside of school and work, Ricky enjoys fishing, working out, and playing video games with his friends.

  • KISU’s Ricky Colapietro interviews two cast members as well as the director of ISU performing arts upcoming show ‘Cendrillon’. This episode features Dr. Diana Livingston Friedly, Miren Gabiola, and Jessica Moss. They cover the wonderful story of Cendrillon as well as the massive amount of work that went behind putting together this wonderful show. Appropriate for all ages, this is a show you do not want to miss! Click here to get your tickets to this wonderful adaptation of the french opera Cendrillon!
  • KISU’s Ricky Colapietro interviews Kristi Appelhans, a long-time member of the Idaho Falls Community Garden Association about their free gardening classes. They are hosting these free classes for gardeners of all skill levels. More information about the gardening classes and how you can attend can be found at
  • KISU’s Ricky Colapietro interviews Dawn Konicek, an Associate Clinical Professor with the College of Business about their upcoming Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (VITA) running every Thursday January 26th through March 16th in Rendezvous room 213 5-9pm. This program provides a dual opportunity for students to get experience preparing tax returns, and allows those who can not afford income tax preparation to get their taxes done for free.
  • KISU’s Ricky Colapietro interviews Dr. Henry Evans, the associate director of the office of Equity and Inclusion. In this interview, they talk about the events scheduled for Martin Luther King day 2023. These events include a march, service projects, and subsequent speeches. Dr. Henry Evans shares one of his favorite MLK quotes as well.
  • KISU’s Ricky Colapietro interviews Ryan Sargent, the Alumni Director here at ISU. In this episode, they discuss the new Alumni Center being constructed near Holt Arena. They discussed how long the Alumni Center has been in the making, the benefits of the facility, the finish date, and they also talked about the upcoming tailgating events for the first home ISU football game on September 17th.
  • KISU’s Ricky Colapietro interviews Jeremiah Schilz, a business student here at ISU. In this episode, they talk about the year in review, and discuss how the ROAR report has grown over the semester, and what they have learned this semester and how they’ve grown. Jeremiah and Ricky share their excitement for next year and their excitement about the growth in the community.
  • KISU’S Ricky Colapietro interviews Josie Elam, a graduate student here at ISU. She is the senator for the College of Pharmacy. She enjoys her program and appreciates the experience she has gained from being a part of ASISU.
  • KISU’s Ricky Colapietro interviews Joanne Trammel, the Program Coordinator for the Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) program, as well as Catie Canavan who is the Clinical Assistant Professor/Academic Fieldwork Coordinator for the Occupational Therapy (OT) program. In this joint interview, they discuss the OT program and the OTA program, describing what OT/OTA students actually do and what prospective students can expect going into these fantastic programs. OT/OTA students experience a unique educational experience that enables them to truly help people in many different ways that are tailored to their needs.
  • KISU’s Ricky Colapietro interviews Adam Gribas, a local improviser and teacher about the ISU Comedy Night. The ISU Comedy Night is a monthly improv comedy show that happens on the first Friday of every month. The event happened on (4/1) at 7 pm. Each show has its own style and is guaranteed to be entertaining.
  • KISU’s Ricky Colapietro interviews Austin Robison, a student who is double majoring in biochemistry and secondary education with focuses in biology and chemistry. Austin served as the senator for the college of education, and was recently elected to serve as the senator for the college of science and engineering. Austin enjoys being a part of ASISU, and enjoys how ISU has smaller class sizes that make students feel like they have a one-on-one education.