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ISU Black Rock & Sage

McKenzie Young visits with Sarah Rick and Konner Witfield to learn about Black Rock & Sage(BR&S), ISU’s journal of creative works published annually by ISU’s Department of English and Philosophy with assistance from the Art, Music, and Theatre/Dance Departments.

The journal is staffed by ISU students, and all artistic contributions are produced by undergraduate and graduate students from departments across the university.

BR&S accepts submissions year-round with an annual deadline of February 14, 2025. All forms of artistic expression, including poetry, prose, plays, nonfiction essays for a general audience, visual art, photography, music, and dance routines. All ISU students are encouraged to submit their best work.

Another way to get involved with BR&S is through the Literary Magazine Production course (ENGL 4409/5509). In this course, students develop strategies for soliciting literary, art, music, and schematic submissions then, in exciting and lively debates, select the poetry and prose to be published. ENGL 2206: Creative Writing Workshop is a prerequisite for undergraduates; there is not a prerequisite for graduate students in the humanities.

Visit for more information and submission guidelines.

McKenzie began working at the station in 2003 while moseying her way through her undergraduate degree in Communication and Rhetorical studies [2012]. Her outgoing personality and involvement in various activities makes for a perfect fit to promote campus and community organizations and events*.