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Sales Talk Radio
Final Wednesday of Every Month at 7:30pm

Sales is the lifeblood of any successful organization and everybody sells!  Doctors, Lawyers, Plumbers, Beauticians, Teachers all sell, and the skills needed to sell are critically important for both individual and organizational success.  However, most people haven't ever received any sales training.  Sales talk will feature sales people in all walks of life and across multiple organizations. Each episode features a sales person to share their tips, experiences, advice and career opportunities in sales. In addition, episodes will feature the sales related activities and the innovative things we are working on in the Walter P. Brown, Center for Sales Excellence, in the ISU College of Business.

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Latest Episodes
  • John Ney and Dr. Haley Hardman are excited to welcome two distinguished guests: Heidi Solomon, the CEO of GirlzWhoSell, and Dr. Ali Mondt, an Assistant Professor of Human Performance and Sports Studies at ISU. Together, they'll delve into the dynamic world of sales, exploring its challenges, opportunities, and the fun aspects of the profession.
  • Professors John Ney and Dr. Haley Hardman welcome some of the recent winners of the Spring Sales Contest, Zach Jewkes, Amenze Erhunmwunse, and Charles Okuoyibo. They discuss the products they sold and value and experience the competition provides for ISU students.
  • John and Haley welcome Doug Chambers and Lydia Bishop! Doug Chambers recently received the Idaho Business Leader of the Year Award. Lydia is a member of the Alpha Kappa Psi organization, which hosted the Idaho Business Leader of the Year Awards Dinner.
  • John and Haley welcome Tyler Hancock to discuss his sales experience, his role for the sales competition in which the University of Toledo competed, and the importance of emotional intelligence.
  • The January 31st episode of Sales Talk featured a special guest, Dr. Mike Breazeale, a marketing professor at Mississippi State University. Our hosts, John Ney and Dr. Haley Hardman, discuss a range of sales topics with this months guest. Their conversation includes several tips for students and the announcement of a new regional sales competition!
  • The December episode of Sales Talk features Dr. Haley Hardman and guest. Dr. Hardman is an ISU College of Business marketing professor. She will co-host Sales Talk with John Ney in 2024!
  • For this episode of Sales Talk, host John Ney sits down with Nicolette Scarduzio, Elizabeth Butler, Emma Watts, and Chiara Cannon, the winners of the Fall Sales Contest.
  • Join John Ney for this episode where he sits down with Anthony Zerwig, former pilot and current regional sales manager of Federated Insurance
  • For the September episode of Sales Talk, host John Ney welcomes Josh Spoklie from Consolidated Solutions.
  • Host John Ney welcomes Paul Wallen and Mark Muller to this episode of Sales Talk, where they will discuss their company, Pure Solutions.