Eizaak Jordan
Co-host of Sustainable IdahoEizaak Jordan was born and raised in McCall, Idaho. He spent summers in Yellowpine, Idaho, near the Frank Church Wilderness Area. Eizaak's days were characterized by interacting with the natural world in both locations, curating his passion for Idaho’s ecosystems. He is currently an ISU Political Science student and President of ISU’s Sustainability Club. After graduation, he will be applying for a graduate program in environmental politics, which will hopefully open opportunities to gain full employment doing environmental advocacy. Eizaak spends his free time reading, cooking, and fly fishing.
In this episode, we continued our drought discussion as we explored the topic of fire. Sarah Wheeler and Joel Gosswiller joined us from the Eastern Idaho Interagency Fire Center, or EIIFC, to help us understand what our fire season looks like in Idaho and how fires are managed.
As places like Germany and China experience dangerous floods due to abnormally large rainstorms, places like the American West endure another year of drought. For this episode, we invited Roger Chase, former mayor of Pocatello and vice-chair of the Idaho Water Resources Board, and Jennifer Cornell, a water quality analyst with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, to talk with us about Idaho’s drought.
This week, we’ll continue to talk about solar energy, this time with Jared Hansen and Jordan Rodriguez from Idaho Power in addition to Brad Barrot, one of the partners at Big Dog Solar. We focused on three aspects of solar energy: current solar capacity in Idaho, motivation for solar installation, and disposal issues.
This week on Sustainable Idaho, we talked with Vince Bowen, Executive Director of Idaho State University’s ESTEC department. In this episode, we focus on solar energy and the opportunities ESTEC provides students who want to enter the renewable energy industry.
Over the course of this series, we’ve introduced nuclear energy, and explored its pros and cons. Today, we’ll be concluding our nuclear energy series by talking about economic perspectives. For this episode, we invited economist, Dr. Greg Weeks, and Citizens' Climate Lobby Liaison to Representative Mike Simpson, Nancy Basinger to talk with us about nuclear energy’s economic viability
For our third nuclear energy episode, we invited Hannah Smay and Leigh Ford from the Snake River Alliance in addition to Lisa Hecht, an organizer who works with The Union of Concerned Scientists, to discuss nuclear power drawbacks and risks with us.
In the second nuclear energy episode, we once again talked with Dr. Dunzik-Gougar and Dr. Gehin, this time about nuclear energy potential. We cover baseload power, how nuclear energy could replace coal, nuclear waste, and small modular reactors, or SMRs, to understand why proponents advocate for nuclear energy usage.
In this episode, we introduce a new series on nuclear energy. We started this series by talking with Dr. Dunzik-Gougar from Idaho State University and Dr. Gehin from Idaho National Laboratory, who provided nuclear energy background information including the mining, energy production, and waste storage processes.
In the final episode of their Wolf Series, Eizaak and Ailie explore different wolf management strategies by talking with Suzanne Stone, co-founder of the Wood River Wolf Project, and Toby Boudreau from Idaho Fish and Game.